The colors represented by nature are:
Green, the color of healing; Pink, represents love; White and Blue, purity; Yellow, light; Violet, transmutation.
The Butterfly with its metamorphoses is a symbol of love, freedom, transformation and hope.
Dragonflies with their ability to fly in all directions are bearers of good fortune, power and balance.
My purpose with this painting is for the viewer to feel joy.
- Patricia Gomez Ponce
As a Little girl my imagination surpassed the shortages of material things. Over time my imagination opened the path to face daily life with positivism, it started with small drawings that transformed into paintings of unreal and fantastic worlds.
I chose the Birds theme for my painting because I like to observe their shapes, plumages, sounds and specially their flight. At times I consider my imagination as BEING ABLE to FLY and it makes me feel HAPPY. -
Patricia Gomez Ponce
Keep McAllen Beautiful | Another Brilliant Design by Fantich Media
Keep McAllen Beautiful | Design by Fantich Media